誰にも教えたくない美味しいレシピ BEST12
誰にも教えたくない美味しいレシピ BEST12
hello everyone i ve been feeling a little meh about the snowless winter as i have no idea how to dress for the continuous 0 C temperatures weirdly not cold but not warm either so i went through my wardrobe to put together some more inspiring outfits minus the outer layer obviously that suit this sort of weather and decided to make a video on it since these are probably the kind of temperatures a lot of other countries are experiencing during winter months i hope you enjoyed this earthy toned sweater weather video although i am wearing thermo tights and layer with heat tech keep in mind these are NOT for super duper cold weather i was originally thinking of making a video on how to layer for actually cold weather but since we haven t really had that this year meh oh and on that note we finally got snow yay i started filming a snowy weather lookbook too with outer layers and all hopefully it ll turn out okay i use epidemic sound for all music in my videos if you re interested in signing up yourself you can use my referral link and i ll get a month for free in return no pressure but i d really appreciate if you do here s my link find me at social media majority of the items are either thrifted or really old with only a few items that are more recent additions so I really hope you use this video as more of an inspiration source for putting together outfits than a shopping guide here are the details however since i ll probably get questions anyway outfit 1sweater ehkä söpö old skirt thrifted vintagebag thrifted vintageboots thrifted vintageoutfit 2sweater l envers gifted skirt thrifted vintagebag thrifted vintageboots from japan old outfit 3sweater thriftedskirt thriftedboots thriftedoutfit 4dress kaiko clothing gifted cardigan thriftedberet thrifted vintageboots thrifted vintageoutfit 5dress pyne smith clothiers gifted cardigan thriftedbag thrifted vintageboots from japanoutfit 6sweater thriftedflannel seoul fashion gifted pants uniqlo old bag linden gifted boots thriftedoutfit 7flannel monkisweater thriftedjeans cubus old boots thriftedoutfit 8sweater thriftedtrousers monki old bag linden gifted boots from japan old
誰にも教えたくない美味しいレシピ BEST12
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