by smoothiethecat



Fluffy compilation of Smoothie Milkshake playing sleeping and fooling around Smoothie and Milkshake are two British Longhair cats living in The Netherlands respectively four years and two years old Since she was called The Most Photogenic Cat In The World Smoothie rose to fame in 2016 She s the Queen of Fluff and always camera ready Smoothie s born on the 1st of April 2014 Milkshake is from the 20th of May 2016 Smoothie weighs 2 6 kg while Milkshake is double her size 4 5kg This is very common because Smoothie s a female and Milkshake s a male Want to send mail Smoothie The Cat Postbus 40495604 EA EindhovenThe NetherlandsSocial Follow Milkshake on Instagram Music Cat products The cat litter is from PeeWee Int It s a system with a double layer bottom The wood pellets are not harmful for the environment and it s very sustainable in use The product so far is only available in a few countries in Europe More info via www mypeewee nl



ジョウロの編み方(watering pot)

  • by okoni5 1187

説明 レース糸や コットン糸の芯の再利用です 麻紐を使ってジョウロを編みました 中に芯が入っています 小ぶりで可愛く仕上がったと思います。 貯まっている芯がやっと生かせました

Heart-Shaped Mini Melonpan (Ja...

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If you don't wan't to spend too much time on baking, this recipe idea is perfect 💕 EASY ❣️ You can make them bigger or smaller. Th...

Cacao liqueur & Plum wine カカオ酒...

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