이번엔 루루와 코코가 싸웠어요
고양이들은 툭탁툭탁하면서 크는가봐요!
Steak is expensive right Well it doesn t have to be As a matter of fact these quick and easy steak tips and methods aided with the Quicker Picker Upper will be your secret because with Bounty you can do more with less I m proud to partner with Bounty who together with Feeding America is helping provide 10 million meals to people in need Also welcome to Episode 1 of But Cheaper FOLLOW ME Ingredients you ll need Sous Vide Steak 1 1 5 inch steaksalt and pepper to taste1 5 tablespoons 21g unsalted butter1 sprig rosemaryFor Basting 3 tablespoons 42g unsalted butteraromatics like whole garlic and hardy herbs
고양이들은 툭탁툭탁하면서 크는가봐요!
What's the best entertainment in the World? That's right, FUNNY ANIMALS! Funny animals never fail to make us laugh super hard! Her...
跟大家分享一下冬天愛用保養,擦了可以遠離冬天脫皮之苦~上次眼鏡妝有人說我講話變順了(無打講稿反而變順QQ)這次也是無打講稿,希望大家不會覺得我太碎碎念XD 周末快樂!
He is not always scared, but he seems to be different when swimming.
고양이들을 위해 오늘은 엄청난 간식을 준비했어요. 저도 타조알은 처음이었어요. 계란이랑 비슷할 것 같았는데 왠지 다른 느낌이었어요!
謝謝大家收看, 今天分享的單品細節和抽獎方式都在下方資訊欄喔~
生活動態追蹤IG:peri168 🦄 讚+留言抽三位送妙巴黎時尚超模雙色唇膏👄 今天介紹的多功能彩妝非常適合放化妝包補妝或是旅遊攜帶不佔空間, 也適合不常、不天天化妝的沛寶,擁有少少彩妝品,就能完成漂亮妝容!誰也愛CP值高高的多功能彩妝呀?
熟睡してるひのきたちの寝顔には癒されます^^ 見ているこっちも眠たくなってきます(笑)
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