(AD) M.A.C超持妝無瑕粉底液12小時實測!同場加映五...
I m so happy to finally have released this video Last December I was lucky enough to be chosen to participate in Polymanga s first ever annual Global Easter Cosplay competition where amazing cosplayers from all over the world comes to Montreux Switzerland to compete The contest was in March so I had to quickly decide on what costume to make Padmé s picnic gown has been on my to make list for a long time but I never really felt that I was ready for it For this competition I had to bring my all and show off my skills so i thought Padmé could be an excellent choice I filmed a lot of my progress while working though not all of it unfortunately since a lot of times I was just so in the zone that I completely forgot to film so that I could document my work and in the end put it together with the finished result Polymanga was such an amazing experience I did not place and I really didn t expect to because the quality level was so high but it truly was just an honour to be there amongst my fellow competitors and to be able to shoot and see the beautiful landscapes of Montreux and Lake Geneva Truly looked like Naboo CONTACT INFOFacebook www facebook com StarbitCosplayInstagram www instagram com idapodWebsite www starbitcosplay comE mail starbitcos gmail comMusic Memories bensound com
i made soft served ice cream with homemade kawaii soft serve ice cream maker. it looks like a DQ's soft serve,doesn't it?;)
https://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro/entry-12333598524.html のせ猫オフィシャルブログ http://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshiro....
↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
Hey guys, I just want to leave this here because although I am going to be posting content I do not want to overshadow what is hap...
[캠핑한끼 구독하기] https://bit.ly/2CLrcvM
↓かのくんのチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjkI_mANvY&feature=youtu.be
El año pasado colgué este tutorial,pero tuve problemas con el audio,lo vuelvo a compartir. Bolitas de Navidad ideales para decorar...
Attempting to Paint Canvases With My Husky! It Gets Messy! We painted 4 square canvases to put up for sale! We will be donating so...
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