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Look it doesn t matter to me what you celebrate cookies will always be relevant If you do Christmas cookies on Christmas then great if you do Jewish Cookies on Hannukah cool if you re not about anything of that nature but you are about cookies then that s also cool Cookies are meant for everyone With the wild plethora of cookie recipes out there here s my top 5 favorite Best part is that they are all insanely easy FOLLOW ME Ingredients you ll need Sugar Cookies 2 1 2 cups all purpose flour 312g 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar 285 1 cup butter softened 227g 1 ¼ teaspoon baking powder 7g 1 teaspoon fine sea salt 6g 1 egg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 6g more sugar for coatingTahini Chocolate Rugelach 1 cup 227g Unsalted butter softened8 ounces 225g cream cheese softened3 tablespoons 42g firmly packed brown sugar2 large egg yolks 37g 1 teaspoon 4g vanilla extract2 cups 250g all purpose flour1 2 teaspoon 2g kosher salt1 cup 267g tahini 6 ounces 175g dark chocolate finely chopped 1 large egg lightly beaten for brushingSalted Butter Hazelnut Russian Tea Cakes 1 cup 227g salted butter softened 2 teaspoons 6g vanilla ¾ cup 80g powdered sugar 2 cups 250g all purpose flour½ cup 60g finely chopped hazelnuts ¼ cup 25g chopped pecans 1 4 teaspoon 1g fine sea saltmore powdered sugar for coatingMy Old Choco Chip Cookies Recipe Chewy Molasses Gingersnaps 1 tablespoon 7g ginger powder 1 tablespoon 7g cinnamon 1 4 teaspoon 1g ground nutmeg ¼ teaspoon 1g cloves½ teaspoon 2g fine sea salt2 cups 250g flour ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons 113g butter melted1 egg 1 egg yolk½ cup 110g brown sugar 1 4cup 90g black strap molasses
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