Pasta Grannies celebrate Chris...
Followers of Pasta Grannies often ask for dessert recipes and so as a special end of year celebration, we are posting three 'dolci...
皆様いつもご視聴 コメントありがとうございます 私の事を大切に思ってくれているファンの皆様にいつも感謝しています 私はいつも皆さんを大切に思ってます 楽しんで動画を観て頂ければ嬉しいです よろしくお願い致します 回る化粧品トレーはこちら メイク直し必要なし 絶対崩れない毎日ベースメイク2018愛用カラコンつけまつげシークレットラッシュ グラマラスThe power of楽曲提供 Production Music ダイソーハーフメイクtwitter ID No5yuurinInstaglam YUURI_FUKUSEーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーHello my name is YUURI FUKUSE Please call me MARILYN I am 24 years old and I love to upload makeup videos I have always loved to change my looks with make up Power of Makeup is incredible I hope I can show the significance of challenging yourself excitement of changing your looks and the importance of life to many people through my videos Thank you for watching and please subscribe for more
Followers of Pasta Grannies often ask for dessert recipes and so as a special end of year celebration, we are posting three 'dolci...
Our entire shoe collection is here!!! we are doing a lot of decluttering, so we thought lets film this quick video and show you ev...
click to never miss a DIY:
OMG...We've waited so long for Physicians Formula to arrive in the UK and the day has finally arrived. I'm super excited to try it...
在此獻上本人所有無印超好用清單以展現對大家的愛😘 記得這還只是趴萬的生活雜貨用品而已唷! 還有趴兔保養篇請看 ➡
Una #receta fácil exquisita y versatil ya que puedes cambiar la fruta por otra que tu prefieras!!! #RecetaCasera #ReposteríaFácil
Caligrafía Gótica usando plumas Pilot Parallel Pen y haciendo gradaciones de color con Ecolines!
안녕하세요, 프랑스자수 mimi입니다. 저의 일상과 프랑스자수 작품들을 소개하는 채널입니다.
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