TRADITIONAL Korean Market FOOD TOUR: “Five Day Market” in South Korea

by Strictly Dumpling

TRADITIONAL Korean Market FOOD TOUR: “Five Day Market” in South Korea


My last full day in Jeju and I m going to end it with the traditional Five Day Market Here you can find all kinds of food ranging from doughnuts to seafood and all are super fresh location MORE EXCLUSIVE Content on Instagram FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Equipment I use for filming My Favorite Cookware Send stuff to our P O Box Mike Chen P O Box 610 Middletown NY 10940 Music by Epidemic Sound Song Beach by Joakim Karud Song Prom Date by Joakim Karud Song Vacation by Joakim Karud Song Wait a Minute by Joakim Karud Song Glow by Vexento Song Into the Unkown by Vexento Song Trippy Love by Vexento Song Where we Belong by Vexento Song Legacy by Tobu



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