*11 *°UVレジン*° ヴィトラーユを使ってべっ甲風のピ...
We saw kittens with infected and discharging eyes in the park They were abandoned and weak So we got a box from a convenience store and took them to the vet to rescue They lived with us and got treatment more than 2 weeks After all they are adopted by a cat lover family catrescue kittenrescueWe already have 2 rescued cats Uni and Nami
For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...
9月愛用小物來了! 9月愛用小物來了! 9月愛用小物來了! 很重要所以說三次!好久沒拍愛用但其實每個月都有在囤貨😂那9月都是在用這幾樣~分享給大家,有興趣的自己去網路上找吧,因為...這不是合作影片喔!
ВНИМАНИЕ СКИДКА 15% от интернет-магазина КрасоткаПро: https://clck.ru/Dzxx6 6.08 — 13.08 (включительно), Промокод «CREATE», *На вс...
Все мои видео здесь: https://www.youtube.com/c/DIYCraftsM Бисер беру в "Мелодия Бисера": https://melodiabisera.ru/?promo_id=201286...
Acrylic Fluid Painting Reverse Dip Some Ingredients used in this video are toxic Please wear a respirator for your safety and make...
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