Aquarium Nails

by Nail Career Education

Aquarium Nails


Suzie demonstrates how you can create a detailed and beautiful 3D Aquarium Nail using Gel Polish and Stamping Plates Suzie has collaborated with Clear Jelly Stamper to create three gorgeous Stamping Plates Suzie s Tropical Fish Suzie s Mermaid Things and Suzie s Welcome to the Jungle View Suzie s New Free Online Magazine Video Timestamps 01 26 GEL BUILD07 49 STAMPING BACKGROUND10 08 ADDING GEL LAYER14 52 LAYERED CLOWNFISH18 37 GEL LAYER21 23 FILING for SHAPE24 44 LAYERED SEAHORSE29 15 TOP COAT30 19 REVEAL PHOTOSProducts Featured in this video Suzie s Tropical Fish CjS LC 49 Steel Stamping PlateSuzie s Mermaid Things CjS LC 48 Steel Stamping PlateSuzie s Welcome to the Jungle CjS LC 34 Steel Stamping PlateREPAIRKOKO CLAIREdesigned to repair broken nailsCLEANKOKO CLAIREPREPKOKO CLAIREbinds mani for long lasting wearSIGNATURE KOKO CLAIRE LED LAMPCjS Stamping PolishSuzie receives a commission from the sales of her CjS Suzie s Stamping Plates Thank you for supporting her channel Suzie was not paid to promote the other products in this video and does not receive a commission from sales Links to products are provided as a courtesy to Suzie s viewers who are interested in finding the products online Would you like to train with Suzie Check out her 5 Day Workshop Looking for a video Suzie has done Check out her Instant Search Video Catalog that makes it easy to find specific videos Follow Suzie on Instagram Suzie invites you to share your own nail design photos with her on Instagram with the hashtag nailcareereducation You can also follow Suzie __Music All music of the composers Music Licensed through



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