Doodle Coloring Book | Kawaii Coloring Pages [Inktober Doodles]

by Pic Candle

Doodle Coloring Book | Kawaii Coloring Pages [Inktober Doodles]


UPDATE Thank you everyone for participating in the giveaway I ll announce the giveaway winner here on 30th December 2017 The book will ship out between the 22nd 31st January 2018 It s finally here at last D Cute coloring book with 24 doodles for kids and adults Feel free to share and subscribe PS Pokemon doodle is not included in the book Closed GIVEAWAY 1 Winner will be announced at the top section of this description box and in the comments below on 30th December 2017 The book will ship out between the 22nd 31st January 2018 If possible please provide a way for me to contact you like your Instagram or Twitter username If there s no way for me to contact you I ll wait for you to send me a YouTube private message in 3 days using the same account you used to enter the giveaway PRIZE Pic Candle Doodle Coloring BookWHO CAN ENTER This giveaway is for everyone and open internationally Please read disclaimers below before you enter GIVEAWAY RULES HOW TO ENTER 1 Make sure you re subscribed to this channel 2 Comment below One comment per person Please don t spam 3 If you are under the age of 16 please ask your legal guardian s permission before entering DISCLAIMERS Prize package will be sent with tracking but if you re an international winner you may or may not be able to track it after it leaves India It all depends upon your country s postal system I have no control over it It may be possible that your package gets damaged lost during transit Again it all depends upon your country s postal system I have no control over it You re responsible for any custom charges taxes duties that may apply based on your country s rules GOOD LUCK See another video Playlists Follow Me Shop This is not a sponsored video YouTube is not a sponsor of this giveaway YouTube is released from any and all liability related to this giveaway Music by Vexento



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