by Tati



Here s a massive haul of winning products for less than 5 xo s Tati V I D E O S M E N T I O N E DPUTTING MY SON IN DRAG ft James Charles 5 MATTE LIQUID LIPSTICK OMG P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E DSally Hansen Insta Dri Nail Polish Sand Storm 4 99Sally Hansen Insta Dri Nail Polish Taupe To Go 4 99Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Polish Bare It All 2 99Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Polish Mauve Over 2 99Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Polish Retro Grade 2 99LA Colors Color Last Nail Polish Friendship 3Covergirl Cheekers Brick Rose 4 99Covergirl Cheekers Deep Plum 4 99Covergirl Cheekers True Plum 4 99Hard Candy Cashmere Silk Demi Matte Cream lip Color Tartufo 5Hard Candy Cashmere Silk Demi Matte Cream lip Color Biscotti 5Hard Candy Cashmere Silk Demi Matte Cream lip Color Macaron 5Hard Candy Top 10 Eyeshadow Collection Naturally Gorgeous 5Hard Candy 12 Hour Smudge Proof Felt Tip Eyeliner Oh Fudge 5Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss Pout Of Paradise 3 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss Shut The Pluck Up 3 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss Fly Gal 3 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss ZODIAC Leo 2 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss ZODIAC Aquarius 2 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss ZODIAC Aries 2 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss ZODIAC Sagittarius 2 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Lip Gloss ZODIAC Taurus 2 99Wet N Wild Coloricon Eyeshadow Quad 2 99Wet N Wild Perfect Pout Gel Lip Liner Lay Down The Mauves 2 99Wet N Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit Matte Lipstick Toffee Talk 4 99Wet N Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit Matte Lipstick Berry Recognize 4 99Wet N Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit Matte Lipstick Behind The Bleachers 4 99Wet N Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit Matte Lipstick Video Vixen 4 99Catrice Cosmetics Prime and Fine Instant Line Smoother 5Elf Luxe Lash Kit Winged Polished 4Bring The Salon Home Kiss Blooming Lash 4 99 S N A P C H A T I N S T A G R A M T W I T T E R F A C E B O O K E M A I LTati GlamLifeGuru comFTC DISCLAIMER This video is Not Sponsored I bought everything myself and there are no affiliate links WRITE TO ME HERETati Westbrook1905 Wilcox AveSuite 111Los Angeles CA 90068All Rights Reserved 2018 Tati Westbrook Hi I m Tati from GlamLifeGuru thank you for watching my video please be sure to check out my collection of makeup videos where you ll find my best beauty tips tricks and favorites on everything from top luxury cosmetics to my favorite drugstore makeup Whether you re looking for a new product review tutorial beauty tip haul or perhaps even a giveaway I hope you enjoy watching




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