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무화과 계절이예요 생무화과 가득 그리고 유기농 통밀과비정제당인 머스코바도를 이용하여촉촉하고 고소한 케이크를 구워 보았어요 만들기 어렵지 않아요 크럼블 올려 달콤함을 한겹 더했으니 선물하기에도 예쁜 케이크이구요 건강한 맛을 나누어 보세요 Ingredients 18cm Round cake pan with removable bottom Crumble Whole wheat Flour 18g Cake Flour 18g Unsalted Butter 20g Muscovado 24g Batter Unsalted Butter 150g Muscovado 150g Salt a pinch of Egg 110g Whole wheat Flour 60g Cake Flour 105g Baking Powder 3g Sour Cream 45g Fig 2ea 재료 2호 원형팬 지름 18cm 크럼블 통밀가루 18g 박력분 18g 무염버터 20g 머스코바도 24g 반죽 무염버터 150g 머스코바도 150g 소금 약간 계란 110g 통밀가루 60g 박력분 105g 베이킹파우더 3g 사워크림 45g 무화과 2개 Community CaptionIf you want to add subtitles in another language you can use the links below to add subtitles to this video Blog www maison olivia comInstagram maison_oliviamail fineart73 naver com유기농통밀 Bob s Red Mill 유기농 박력분 맥선유기농 머스코바도 Raw brown sugar milling company버터 Lescure AOP
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ハシビロコウのふたばちゃんが、お水を止めに来てくれた飼育員さんに 甘えるシーンです。 頭フリフリがとっても可愛いです! Futaba fawns upon the caretaker. (2019.12月撮影)
撥水加工生地を使い縦の切り替えでオシャレなエコバックを作りました。 サイズはコンビニ弁当が平らに入るマチ幅18㎝の エコバックです、 主婦のミシン、ブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/syuhunomisin/touch
Kenny is making cold process soap today AND piping soap frosting too!! It's a remake of Woodland Whimsy, a fan favorite from a for...
오늘은 고양이 머리 위에 몰래 간식을 올려봤어요. 간식을 찾는 고양이들이 너무 귀여웠어요!
We are often asked where we find our craft materials, so have created this full list for you. https://liagriffith.com/source-list/...
Let me show you one of the quickest and easiest methods to apply eyeshadow like a pro. Each and every time.
【蘿潔塔的廚房】番茄咖哩雞。超級簡單~一學就會!只要準備四種食材就可以做好的咖哩!帶便當,也超棒! ★喜歡我創作的料理影片嗎?不要忘了訂閱我的頻道喔~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcb9uxCoIgw7RQjQnlgd0...
Sweet and delicious, this no bake cheesecake recipe is simple and easy to make. Serve this berry cheesecake with berries + freshly...
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