Transforming Into: Elizabeth Taylor Makeup Tutorial + FUN FACTS

by Zabrena

Transforming Into: Elizabeth Taylor Makeup Tutorial + FUN FACTS


Transforming into Elizabeth Taylor in today s makeup tutorial alongside some fascinating facts from her life Classic beauty This recreation is not based on facts only my interpretation from studying older pictures of her Full TRANSFORMING INTO Playlist Can t link the wig because the Etsy seller is no longer selling on Etsy but found this one while searching online and it looks to be pretty good PRODUCTS USED Ardell Wanna Get Lucky Gel liner in Pearl Covergirl Instant Cheekbones in Refined Rose e l f Tickled blush Milani True Red lipliner Links included are affiliate links S N A P C H A Tzabby babeI N S T A G R A MZabrenaXOT W I T T E R ZabrenaXOF A C E B O O KZabrenaXOS N A I L M A I L235 Apollo Beach Blvd 214Apollo Beach FL 33572 Thank YOU for watching XOXO Z



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