Dude bronzer changes your face...
Listen I'm down to make this a series if you guys are feeling it. Someone suggested brows next and I was like UM YES DUH ALL THEY ...
HEY EVERYONE Over the last month Manny and I have been traveling the world celebrating and promoting our collaboration Here is some behind the scenes and never before seen footage from our photoshoot for the beauty campaign And we jet setted off to ENGLAND for some amazing meet greets It was so incredible to meet everyone and see our products reach so many of you from around the world Thank you for making this collab SO UNREAL AND AMAZING WE LOVE YOU GUYS TO THE MOON AND STARS BACK use code MANNYMUA at checkout for 10 off SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarWATCH MORE VIDEOS Venemy Need You Now feat Danica Brandon Jonak Pep B Where Do I Go feat Brady Sanz BVD Kult Made Of Something feat Will Heggadon courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds
Listen I'm down to make this a series if you guys are feeling it. Someone suggested brows next and I was like UM YES DUH ALL THEY ...
Watch our newest video: https://youtu.be/U0Us7pf5em8
Perfume Dessert London:
Is there anything more Summery than fruit, meringues and cream? NO! That's why Pavlovas are perfect for this time of year. But wai...
I LOVE Peking Duck, it's one of my all time favorite foods. The crispy melt in your mouth skin, the amazing juiciness of the meat ...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHTⓒ2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHT ...
Here is stunning dish for your greatest events! Learn how to trim, clean and cut perfect steaks out from the whole tenderloin. Imp...
如何保養出透亮好膚質的2017夏季更新版來了!這次加了一些新的保養方法跟再次宣導正確的保養觀念! 想要皮膚變好一定要看啊 影片很長話很多 準備晚餐或零食一起看吧當個晚安進行曲也是ok的
ココアカップケーキにメレンゲクリームをかわいく もりもりに のせたフワフワ食感がたまらないカップケーキ作りました。そのままでもおいしいシンプルなココアカップケーキは色んなものをデコしやすい、膨らみのお山控えめ、フラットタイプに焼きました。持ち運びには、メレンゲ...
https://kagonekoshiro.com/blog-entry-19828.html かご猫Blog https://kagonekoshiro.com
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