Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I swatch the new Disney Villains Collection with Colourpop! I hope you enjoy! Thank...
Warning Don t try this BBQ chicken method at home unless you have a good fire proof location then it would be really cool to try Som tam gai yang is the popular and widely available Thai food combination of green papaya salad and grilled chicken but we wanted to do something and eat something out of the ordinary Along with the help of Sonny from Best Ever Food Review Show we ate some extraordinary versions of both grilled chicken and Thai green papaya salad both not what you d find at a typical restaurant The chicken a very traditional rare to find style of cooking and the green papaya salad a little more extreme than others Uncle Peen Baked Chicken ไก อบฟางล งพ น It s easily the most unique style of grilled or more like baked or smoked version of chicken I ve seen in Thailand To make the hay smoked chicken ไก อบฟาง uncle arranged the chickens on upright stakes put oil drum lids over them filled the trough with dry rice hay and lit that on fire twice The result was one of the most juicy tender grilled chickens I ve ever tasted It was amazing Price 180 THB 5 46 per chickenSom Tam Jay Gai ส มตำเจ ไก ดอนเม อง Next to complete our combination of not your ordinary grilled chicken and green papaya salad we drove to Don Muang to eat at Som Tam Jay Gai ส มตำเจ ไก ดอนเม อง a restaurant originally from Udon Thani There were so friendly there and the main dish we ordered was tam code mua ตำโครตม ว the crazy spicy giant plate of green papaya salad with everything in it We both suffered and cried tears of joy but it was so much fun Total price 380 THB 11 52 CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I swatch the new Disney Villains Collection with Colourpop! I hope you enjoy! Thank...
Kitchen cooks 10,000 portions per day - Vietnamese street food. Nothing special about this food, except the massive amount of food...
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これはハウツーじゃない、エンターテイメントだ。 顔ラクガキコンテンツ、大変お待たせいたしました( ˘ω˘ )
Это был ужин на день рождения Саши. Месси был ошеломлён от количества вкусностей))) Всё написано на его мордашке))
Весенний дизайн ногтей / Маникюр весна - лето 2020 / Яркая абстракция на ногтях Привет всем. В этом видео я продолжу тему абстракц...
こんにちは「モチコフ」です(*‘ω‘ *)
New Nail Art 2018 💜 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #1523 🎥 Credit by: 👸 nailsby.rima ✅ Instagram: https://www.inst...
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