花藝教學 / 一堂花藝師必經實戰,歐式手綁花,充滿自然風情
#花藝教學 #歐式捧花課程 #花藝師實戰 ▏ FOR Daily / 成為花藝師實戰,歐式捧花課程體驗
Hey Larlees todays video is me using my most used holy grail makeup These are the products I use the MOST while sipping rosé All the makeup I used today doesn t go in my big drawer system it stays up front with me Thank you all so much for watching I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy xo Laura LarlarleeWatch my Amazon Favorites Check out my brand LAURALEELOSANGELES use code LLLA20 for 20 offPRODUCTS MENTIONED FACE EYES LIPS D I S C O U N T C O D E S COLOURPOP use code LAURALEE for 10 off COLOURPOP FACES POSTMATES code LAURALEE will give 100 in delivery credit to your Morphe Brushes use code LAURALEE for 10 off brush faves Jouer cosmetics code LAURALEE for 15 off Disclaimer All opinions in today s video are my own I will always state when a video is sponsored and I ve partnered with a brand I do earn a small commission when my code and links are used Thank you guys SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM LarlarleeSNAPCHAT Laura88leeTWITTER LAURA88LEEAll Rights Reserved 2019 Laura LeeFTC Thank you Bright Cellars for sponsoring this video
#花藝教學 #歐式捧花課程 #花藝師實戰 ▏ FOR Daily / 成為花藝師實戰,歐式捧花課程體驗
チャンネル登録&GOODボタンお願いします( `・∀・´)ノ SNSのフォローもしてくれたら嬉しいな・・😚
Mixed media altered small house tutorial for everyone. ♥ ----- for more inspirations : ----- ♥ Maremi New Papers: https://www.ets...
For extra content and credit in future videos you can support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KlairedeLys
十月Soap Challenge Club主題【chevron山型分層】,轉來轉去總共做了17層,做到頭昏眼花了。雖然外國老師有給一份excel計算公式,但內容是用oz計算,我個人傾向用g比較精準,就自己用體積重算過每層需要的分量,幸好數學不是太爛👏
Imagine if your skincare could last longer. A LOT LOT Longer. Give this tip a try. I've been doing it for months and the results h...
この時期、唇の乾燥が気になりますよね…そこで今回は、SNSで話題のリップケアアイテムを紹介💋 実際に数日間使ってみた感想をお話ししているので、ぜひ参考にしてください💞 一緒に冬の乾燥を乗り切りましょう⛄️
#020 メキシカン・ステーキパエリア
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