半端なく合う!コーヒーにぴったりのレシピ BEST12
半端なく合う!コーヒーにぴったりのレシピ BEST12
TERENGGANU MALAYSIA After an outstanding Malaysian street food tour in Terengganu the day before the next day we took a day trip to Kuala Berang a city of Terengganu known again for their tempoyak fermented durian paste As you may know by now I m more than a little obsessed with tempoyak Restoran Aroma Kampung We started the morning with breakfast at Restoran Aroma Kampung known for their freshwater catfish curry with tempoyak We also ordered pretty much all the other dishes they offered and the food was spectacular Total price 40 MYR 9 81 Warisan Pahlawan Resort But the real highlight of Malay food for the day was going to Warisan Pahlawan Resort where the Aunty is known as one of the best local food cooks in Kuala Berang Again she prepared for us local Malaysian food from Kuala Berang nearly everything dish including huge amounts of fermented durian paste tempoyak It was a Malaysian meal of my dreams She also wanted to cook for us a dish of bilimbi fruit simmered with coconut milk which was incredible This home cooked village meal in Terengganu was one of the best meals of this trip to Malaysia I loved the herbs the Vietnamese coriander the torch ginger and of course the fermented durian paste CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching
半端なく合う!コーヒーにぴったりのレシピ BEST12
雪の降る日が増えてきました❄️ 朝晩のお散歩は氷点下、寒い日はスープがおいしい。
以前作って上手くいかなかったハーバリウム。お花が浮かないように練習含めて作ってみました。観ていただけたら嬉しいです♡ この動画の訳は翻訳機を使っています。 This video uses a translator. Twitter TKMchannel @...
Hi Everyone, today I'm here to show you guys my spring makeup for an everyday look that inspired by Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner...
娘のピアノの演奏でテンションが上がったのか、テンションが高いデコ豆を見て娘が選曲したのかは不明ですが、暴れまわるオデコと豆大福がかわいいです^^ 最後は言わんこっちゃない状態になりますが、懲りてない様子の豆大福がまたかわいいです♬
I rarely get the chance to go to an actual spa, but I do love turning my own bathroom into a spa oasis for a day, or two...or howe...
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