Wagashi Hiyashi-Ame Japanese Traditional Candy Drink

by decocookie

Wagashi Hiyashi-Ame Japanese Traditional Candy Drink


i made Japanese traditional sweets Wagashi Hiyashi ame hiyashi means cold and ame means candy in Japanese so we especially in West of Japan enjoy this cold drink in summer for summer weariness and we also have hot drink with hiyashiame for cold prevention in winter it called ame yu decocookie Wagashi ASMR




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普段はルンバが近づいて来ると一目散に逃げるひのきが寝ている子ねこを守るように頑張っている様子に癒されます^^ 寝ている子猫たちもかわいいですが、ひのきも負けないぐらい可愛いです♬

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