【雑誌付録】アルマーニにSUQQU!?12月号付録レビュー ...
なんと!美容雑誌の12月号付録に豪華コスメが勢揃い❤️付録とは思えないほど豪華なものばかりです✨ジョルジオアルマーニビューティは半分のサイズでかなりお得ですよね👀💥世界初のレア付録のようです! 他にも使い勝手最強な付録があるので是非動画を参考にしてみてください...
1 My Online Painting School maria raczynska teachable com 2 For pencil sketches real time videos please go to www patreon com mariamorjane Please note Not all YT videos become real time videos My Patrons help me choose which paintings become future real time videos 3 My art supplies www mariamorjane com my art supplies orCoupon code mariar 5 off for you and me4 Follow me on Instagram Twitter maria_morjane 5 This painting Holbein Watercolors in tubes Yellow Ochre Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Leaf Green Emerald Green Nova Viridian Hue Prussian Blue Manganese Blue Nova Indigo Phthalo Blue Red Shade White Gouache Watercolor Paper Arches Cold Pressed 140lb Watercolor Paper Sheet size 12X16 Brushes Princeton brushes Monogram 20 0 VelvetTouch Chisel Blender 6 VelvetTouch Silver Brush Round 8 Black Velvet Flat 1 3 4 Black Velvet 6 For all my Ladies that always ask my nails are by Zoya some of my favorite colors Haruko Leisel Barwww zoya com 7 Please keep in mind there s a setting on YT where you can adjust the speed of this video Yes you can slow it down Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments your support is giving me a lot of motivation to keep uploading here COPYRIGHT NOTE 1 My videos are copy protected they are fully owned by me and they are not allowed for any download Please NOTE IT S A COPYRIGHT VIOLATION TO CREATE YOUR OWN CHANNEL WITH MY VIDEOS you are risking losing your google account _________________________________________________________________2 My videos are for your personal enjoyment So It s ok to copy my art for your personal use as long as you are not trying to make money off of it 3 If you post your copied work on any social media please give me a credit stating it s a copy of an original painting by Maria Raczynska Just think of it this way if you created a painting and shared a video with everyone else how would you feel if someone else was taking credit for it Thank you so much for understanding You guys are the reason I am creating thank you for your love and support I ve been getting a lot of similar questions so I have created a Q A on my website all about watercolor PAPERS pigments taping down etc www mariamorjane com and go to a BLOGThe white pigment I use is an opaque watercolor GOUACHE Holbein I use it instead of my regular watercolor whites which are too transparent for my style of painting Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE www facebook com mariamorjane fyi I m pretty bad with facebook not enough time to be on all social media platforms please forgive me if I haven t seen your messages best way to contact me is via comments I always respond to my wonderful artist fellows here Music Created by
なんと!美容雑誌の12月号付録に豪華コスメが勢揃い❤️付録とは思えないほど豪華なものばかりです✨ジョルジオアルマーニビューティは半分のサイズでかなりお得ですよね👀💥世界初のレア付録のようです! 他にも使い勝手最強な付録があるので是非動画を参考にしてみてください...
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