WHAT IS STAYSTITCHING? And why you don’t want to skip this crucial step in sewing!

by Evelyn Wood

WHAT IS STAYSTITCHING? And why you don’t want to skip this crucial step in sewing!


Just what is stay stitching Why do we do it And why you don t want to skip this step in sewing Let me show you what happens when you skip it And even take a free class USE CODE evelynwood15 for 15 off your order My outfit OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH WHAT IS UNDERSTITCHING Why you don t want to skip this crucial sewing step esp for pro finishes 10 THINGS THE SEWING PATTERN DOESN T TELL YOU And you have to learn about sewing yourself 5 METHODS TO TRACE A SEWING PATTERN So you keep your original patterns intact How to pick EASY sewing pattern designs for YOU RED FLAGS OF A POOR QUALITY GARMENT Get better at sewing by looking at garment construction FOLLOW me on my other social media channels And don t forget to subscribe Until next timeEvelyn sewing beginnersewing evelynwood learntosew



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