Whats in My Stickii Bao | My On-The-Go Journaling Supplies | Lollalane

by Lollalane

Whats in My Stickii Bao | My On-The-Go Journaling Supplies | Lollalane


I am more than excited when I found something like Stickii Bao www stickiiclub com bao to fit my favorite stationery and journaling supplies when I need to be out and about It certainly looks chic from the outside but I am even more amazed with the practicality of the design It is about the size of A5 but it fits the amount of supplies that could easily keep me contented but at least two weeks or more If you are looking for something to carry your supplies do take Stickii Bao into your considerations ____________________________________Most of the supplies you could get from IG Accounts as below Stickiibao niconeco_zakkaya Stickeriffic sumthingofmine pipitzakkastore cziplee_______________________________________________Soundtrack See Through by Mild Wild__________________________________________Please comment down below if you have any question or feedback would love to hear from you all Don t forget to subscribe and show me some love if you want to see more updates from me You may also reach me atInstagram LollalaneEmail lollalanejournal gmail com



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Привет! Сегодня делаю что-то необычное, но полезное! Отлично подойдёт в качестве подарка на 8 марта, например!😉 Экокожу покупала з...