I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT TODAY’S VIDEO! Watch as I try to nail the latest Instagram makeup trend: CLOUDY EYE MAKEUP!!! I think this is...
I found a way to travel with ZERO transportation costs and 100 total adventure I traveled all of Japan like this and you can do it too For many people it will change the way you see the world forever That s right all you need is a starting point and a little courage and maybe a few other things but they don t cost much at all and you can travel the whole country with pocket change Seems easy right Well I said free not easy Consider it a challenge for an experience you ll never forget In 2003 30 days of travel in Japan 3000 km Transportation costs 0Accommodation 10Food 120 almost everyone treated me to lunch or dinner Entrance fees 20 for baths and laundryPeople who picked me up 20 In 2017 32 people stopped and took me 3000 km againTransportation costs 0WHY IS HITCHHIKING IN JAPAN THE GREATEST TRAVEL HACK EVER It s free The people who pick you up are also the most knowledgeable people on the area you want to go to No need for a guide book Car is the best way to see all the places other tourists can t visit with a train pass Learn about Japanese culture by being thrown deep into it Did I mention the fresh air and beautiful views from all over Japan No Okay put that on the list too First you ll need courage And then you ll need these things A map of Japan or a smartphone A tent optional 3 black markersCardboardA smile HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE Stay out hitchhiking for as long as you like or as long as you have a visa to stay Make loads of friends along the way Have hundreds of stories that will inspires your friends family and the internet Hitchhiking Japan is not without risks like all things in life There are some things you should take note of 1 Never get into a car if you feel uncomfortable After 50 rides across I have not had a problem 2 Always let people know where you are and where you re going 3 Carry cash for at least 2 days in case of trouble There aren t always ATMs in the countryside 4 Bring extra markers and cardboard5 Bring a English Japanese dictionary so you can communicate Smart phone batteries die 6 Don t hitchhike in the middle of winter or summer You may be outside for an extended period 7 If you have any medical conditions please note that you may be away from medical care a risk for all world travelers 8 Absolutely exchange business name cards whenever you can with your ride so you have each other s information 9 It can be hard and sometimes traffic is light or people won t stop Be prepared for anything including spending the night in your tent in the park or roadside or rain I have seen more than most people while hitchhiking and it s an experience I loved so much I did it twice I ve made lasting friendships with people I wouldn t have met if I hadn t had the courage to do so and this adventure has changed my life forever It s not for everyone but if you decide to hack the system bypass a JR Train Pass and hitchhike like this you will be rewarded with an amazing journey that you ll be able to tell you re grand kids Best of luck to you out there on the road See photos from this trip on instagram
I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT TODAY’S VIDEO! Watch as I try to nail the latest Instagram makeup trend: CLOUDY EYE MAKEUP!!! I think this is...
➤加入頻道會員成為「漿漿小奴」~支持漿漿: ➤訂閱豆漿不錯過任何一支影片!!:
I ‘m back from a little internet break with a new what i eat in a week - a week of vegan dinners. This video features a whole bunc...
When Sharon heard strange noises coming from her bathroom, she never expected to find a tiny baby lorikeet in her ceiling! Watch a...
안녕하세요! 제리팝입니다 :D 이번에는 마트에서 쉽게 구매할 수 있는 '팜온더로드 레드벨벳'으로 철판 아이스크림을 만들어 봤는데요!
Sikhye (식혜) rice punch is a traditional sweet Korean drink made of fermented malt and rice. Full recipe:
介紹無煙&乾淨的美味魚料理! 非常下飯&下酒 大人OR小朋友都都會喜歡的 香香味噌口味的! 如果吃膩煎魚的話一定要試試看~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASAのYoutube頻道:🍅
send this to someone to bless their day. Inspired by Doggo Dojo (check him out) You can leave suggestions e.g. song covers or anyt...
New Year is just around the corner, which is why Anna is already making decorations for the table. Have a look at the video and di...
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