Zoe, what’s your plan on Christmas? [Cake] Pardon? [Cake,, I sell cake,,] | No BGM cafe vlog

by Zoe 조에

Zoe, what’s your plan on Christmas? [Cake] Pardon? [Cake,, I sell cake,,] | No BGM cafe vlog


cafevlog aestheticvlog KoreanHi The one How was your Christmas Hope you guys had so much fun with someone that you love Oh what did I do in Christmas Haha I sell cakes Bc I m Zobby UGHHHHHH Copyright The copyright of this video belongs to Zoe If you use the work both commercial and non commercial you must record the author s mark and source For commercial use Google Edsense revenue generation is limited Legal responsibility may be imposed if caught using without disclosing the source To use you must mark the following statement Youtuber Zoe IG zoe_stdio Instagram Zoe www instagram com zoe_stdioCafe www instagram com blessroll_pyeongtaek camera program sony a6400 sony rx0 m2 Finul Cut Pro



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