Hey guys! I'm finally sharing my current TOP foundations that I've been using and keeping in my professional makeup kit lately. I...
Интернет магазин маникюрных радостей ODIVA RUАКЦИЯ ГЕЛЬ ЛАК MASURA 2 3Каждый третий гель лак В ПОДАРОК до 14 июля 2019г ДЛЯ ДИЗАЙНА АКСЕССУАРЫ УХОД
Hey guys! I'm finally sharing my current TOP foundations that I've been using and keeping in my professional makeup kit lately. I...
A pen & stationery haul! I know you guys love seeing new stationery products and pens so here is my newest pen and stationery haul...
here are 8 such Vegetables and Herbs You Can Regrow Again and Again in your garden. Do you throw your garlic-bulbs out once they s...
もも「きゃはははは!楽しいなー!」 天「ちょっと静かにしてくれニャイか」 もも「ノリが悪いぞー。天も穴掘りしたら気分爽快だよ」 天「僕は猫だぞ。正気か(`・ω・´)」
材料 長いファスナー(100均) ミニタオルハンカチ(100均 24cm×24cm)
久しぶりの果実メイクシリーズです🥝色味的には、菜の花感もあるので春メイクにもぴったりです♡(濃いので真似はしづらいですが、カラーはおすすめです)キウイはこれからとても美味しくなるそうです。私はゴールデンキウイが好きです♡笑 過去にも色んなフルーツメイクをしてい...
My current list of drugstore makeup favorites with more must haves and must nots! Reviewing a lot of new makeup at the drugstore i...
Why does foundation make wrinkles look worse? And can we do anything about it?
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