Hand Lettered Calendar | Octob...
With the October calendar page tutorial we're covering autumn illustration, choosing a colour palette, and mixing paints to help y...
Моя коллекция кактусов Вариегатные кактусы белые Астрофитумы и редкие Ариокарпусы
With the October calendar page tutorial we're covering autumn illustration, choosing a colour palette, and mixing paints to help y...
Look at that - it’s a pumpkin themed what i eat in a day. Can you call this a 24 hour challenge? Maybe. Not really. This video fea...
チャンネル登録&高評価してもらえると小躍りします(*'ω'*) サブチャンネル開設しました✨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UBHHDQ9H5x23gs_eEG74g
Hello everyone! In this video, Fritter the corn snake gets a bath to fix his bad shed. However a bath is not a long term solution,...
Сайт - http://globalfashion.ru/ru Одноклассники - https://ok.ru/ru.globalfashion Вк - https://vk.com/globalfashionru Facebook - h...
「甘えさせてぇ~」「ご飯ちょうだ~い」「外に出たいよぉ~」「離さんかい」「そこにおったんかい」なんて感じで鳴いてるように聞こえます^^ 子猫でも大きくなっても鳴き声には癒されます♬
【Welcome! To Miaou's cats room.】 If you need the description in English, Click here. https://miaou-cat.jp/miaou-channel-english/
Get the recipe! - https://tasty.co/recipe/eggplant-potato-tomato-stew
Welcome to Project Pack No. 07 and the 2019 “12 Days of Zentangle” video series
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