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조개술찜 + 원팬파스타
みゃうのぶろぐ(Miaou blog) https://miaou-cat.jp/
夕食後はタワーの上で寛いでいることが多いはな。目が合うと「ニャー」と呼びつけられます。After dinner, Hana relaxes at the cat tower. When her eyes meet with me, she meows and ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I pick out random colored makeup products and try to make them work! I hope you enjo...
Hey Sweet Peeps, I hope you are gonna love this pretty seashell princess video tutorial! She is so pretty and sparkly 😍💖
Basically a documentary on how I made a pair of c. 1890s Victorian combinations using Victorian patterns and stitching techniques.
The first 500 who click the link will get 2 free months of Premium Skillshare and explore your creativity: https://skl.sh/bernadet...
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