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How Italian Gorgonzola Cheese ...

  • by FOOD INSIDER 1416

The Gorgonzola industry is worth over $800 million. Almost 5 million wheels are produced each year and production is confined to t...

Japanese Festival makeup [ENG ...

  • by KAWAII PATEEN 812

This is how Asian style festival makeup is done in our own stye. Check out the colorful makeup great for summer festivals by NAO, ...

Übertöpfe aus Keramikscherben ...

  • by einfach kreativ 1138

Alte Übertöpfe in neuem Design erstrahlen lassen? Mit ein paar weißen Tellern und etwas Fugenmörtel gar nicht so schwer. Martina L...

Red Velvet Cake Soap | Royalty...

  • by Royalty Soaps 2199

This soap was suggested in the comment section of a recent video and I simply had to make it! P.S. Yes it's all soap and no you pr...


  • by Lioba Brückner 1116

嗨,我的愛!這是我最新的水彩畫“只有永遠”,我談論娃娃藝術家,靈感,藝術家的塊,我記得如何用彩色鉛筆正確繪製! ; D