
by Tasty Japan



ぜひ作ってみてくださいね 焼きパオズ8個分材料 生地薄力粉 250g砂糖 小さじ1ベーキングパウダー 小さじ2ぬるま湯 140mlごま油 大さじ1塩 少々 あん豚ひき肉 200g長ねぎ みじん切り 50g生姜 すりおろし 小さじ1酒 大さじ1砂糖 小さじ1しょうゆ 大さじ1 2ごま油 小さじ1塩 小さじ1 3ごま油 大さじ2薄力粉 打ち粉用 適量ぬるま湯 80mlごま油 仕上げ用 大さじ1 タレ酢 適量しょうゆ 適量作り方 1 生地を作る ボウルに薄力粉とベーキングパウダーを合わせてふるい入れ 砂糖 塩を加えて手で混ぜる 2 ぬるま湯を少しずつ加えて混ぜる ごま油を加えて粉っぽさがなくなるまで練り混ぜ まとまったらラップをかけて 室温で10分置く 3 あんを作る ボウルに全ての材料を入れて粘りが出るまでこねる 4 台に打ち粉を振り 2 を8等分に分ける ひとつずつ丸めてめん棒で直径12cmの円形に伸ばす 5 中心に 3 をのせ 生地の縁を少しずつつまんでひだを寄せながら包む 最後は先端をひねって口をしっかりと閉じる 6 フライパンにごま油を引いて 5 を並べ入れて中火にかけ 3 4分焼く 7 焼き目が付いたらぬるま湯を加えて蓋をしめ 弱中火で水気が無くなるまで8 10分ほど蒸し焼きにする 8 仕上げに鍋肌からごま油を回し入れ カリッと焼き上げる 9 お皿をかぶせて裏返し 万能ねぎやいりごまを振ったら 完成 英文レシピPan Fried Pork BunsPanBaoziServings 8INGREDIENTSDough250 grams flour plus more for dusting2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon sugarPinch of kosher salt140 milliliters lukewarm water1 tablespoon sesame oilFilling200 grams minced pork50 grams Japanese leek chopped1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 tablespoon sake1 teaspoon sugar½ tablespoon soy sauce1 teaspoon sesame oil⅓ teaspoon kosher saltAssembly3 tablespoons sesame oil divided80 milliliters lukewarm waterSliced green onions for garnishSesame seeds for garnishSauce½ tablespoon vinegar1 tablespoon soy saucePREPARATIONMake the dough Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl Add the sugar and salt and stir to combine Add the water a bit at a time mixing with your hands to bring the dough together Add the sesame oil and work into the dough Cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 10 minutes at room temperature On a lightly floured surface turn out the dough and divide into 8 pieces Shape each piece into a ball then roll out to a 12 centimeter wide round with a rolling pin Add 1 tablespoon of filling to the center of each dough round then pinch to close at the top Twist the pleats to tighten and slightly flatten the bottoms Heat 2 tablespoons of sesame oil in a medium pan over medium heat Add the dumplings and cook for 3 minutes until browned Reduce the heat to low pour in the water cover and steam for 8 10 minutes until the water has evaporated Pour the remaining tablespoon of sesame oil around the edges of the pan and fry the dumplings until crisp on the bottoms Invert the dumplings from the pan onto a serving plate and sprinkle with green onions and sesame seeds Serve with the sauce for dipping Enjoy



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