Hey everyone!! You guys are always asking me to try new things that are out of my comfort zone when it comes to makeup.. So here y...
Instagram naily co前回のオーダー100均ネイル動画ネイルサロンに行けなくなってしまった方 お家で楽しめる新しい趣味がほしい方この期間にジェルネイルに挑戦してみたい方よかったら参考にしてみてください サロンに行けなくてもネイルを楽しめる楽しみ方 この期間にネイルが心の癒しでいれらるようにと考えた企画が好評でしたので今回も100均ネイルでのアートをしてみました 今回はネイルチップを使用しました ネイルができない方でもチップを作成するという遊び感覚で楽しんでいただけると良い暇つぶしになると思います
Hey everyone!! You guys are always asking me to try new things that are out of my comfort zone when it comes to makeup.. So here y...
Thank you to Clinique for sponsoring this video! Get Clinique ID here:
I received some new products from Miniature Sweet to try! :D Super cute the jellyfishes and mushrooms inclusions!! Loved the float...
프랑스자수 탄생액자 만들기 Make a birthday frame
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The stigghiola is a Sicilian street food specialty, typical of the streets of the city of Palermo. It consists of guts (usually of...
- 2화 포니의 손길이 닿자 민낯 새댁도 오이 밭 여신으로 완벽 변신! 열정과 사랑이 넘치는 포니그래퍼(?)의 셀프웨딩촬영기까지~ 아낌없이 주는 포니, 누가 좀 말려주세요~~~
촉촉한 커스터드 크림을 윗면에 올려 한번 더 구워 겉은 바삭~ 속은 폭신한 카스테라 컵케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, ple...
Grey and White cat is much more lovely after eating food on the island
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