Cute Cats & Dog always make yo...
Cute Cats & Dog always make you laugh # 29
Cute Cats & Dog always make you laugh # 29
Today I'm revealing a medical secret that has haunted me for most of my life. We go inside the operating room and I share somethin...
Hello! Hello! Wow did I have a fun time editing all this footage together. I actually played around a lot more with text and I kin...
阿瑪:「朕又長大一歲了!」 × 頻道更新時間為週五晚間六點,其餘時段不定時發舊片!× 訂閱我們吧:
One of the best things about #singapore is all the different street foods you can get, but this time, I'm checking out the spots w...
🎧 The polarity within. Black and white, the soft and harsh, the light and dark, what it is to be human, what it is to be heart br...
안냥! 집사입니다 :) 오늘의 크림히어로즈 공지 잘 보셨나요? 평소에도 하고 싶은 일이 많은 집사는 보통 직장인보다 일하는 시간이 좀 긴 편이예요. 10월엔 휴일이 길었던데다가 2017년 마무리 준비로 최근엔 굉장히 바빠졌어...
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