深夜にひとりで 『ウニとイクラしか無い寿司屋』オープンしてみ...
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
ひまわりを追いかけ回す秀吉がかわいいです さすがにしつこい秀吉の頭を軽く猫パンチするひまわりもかわいいです
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
4 months ago he couldn't even swim across the river. Now he is free to cross the river, swim in the fierce currents, and eat his f...
MAP: https://bit.ly/2YIAWlu
【希望の花アヤメ。ピアス&髪飾りDIY.Iris hair ornament & Earrings wire resin art project】
A tiny pet bunny rabbits eats a crunchy carrot! The rabbit loves eating fresh vegetables, and a delicious carrot is one of his fav...
안녕하세요 여러분, 그간 저희 반려가족들의 펫로그를 제작하면서 사용하지 않은 ‘B컷’ 영상을 모아 영상을 한번 만들겠다고 말씀드려왔습니다. 오늘 올리는 영상은 그렇게 쌓인 설이의 6개월간의 영상을 모아 만든, 평생 강아지만 키워본 사...
✨Kevin的日本藥妝必買清單✨ (1)MINON.氨基酸彈力修護凝膠面膜 (2)MINON.溫和沐浴巾 Locobase.身體滋潤修護乳霜 Locobase.腳後跟滋潤修護膏 TRANSINO.傳明酸美白卸妝乳 TRANSINO.傳明酸美白洗面乳 ...
Japanese Street Food in Osaka: Takoyaki, resembles ball-shaped version of crepes (wheat flour-based batter).
Omi Wagyu Beef belongs to the 3 most reputable cattle breeds in Japan (beside Kobe Beef and Matsusaka Beef). The highest quality A...
この間購入したプチプラコスメを中心に大人っぽいオレンジメイクをしてみました🍊 プチプラでこれは優秀すぎるー(´・ω・`)🧡発色がいい! 全体のツヤ感がすごく綺麗✨夏にぴったり😍! NYXのハイライターもめちゃくちゃおすすめなので、ぜひチェックしてみてね😆!!
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