[不用泡打粉/模具] 梳乎厘班戟/舒芙蕾鬆餅 Japanese Souffle Pancakes (詳細蛋白打發過程)

by missevabakes

[不用泡打粉/模具] 梳乎厘班戟/舒芙蕾鬆餅 Japanese Souffle Pancakes (詳細蛋白打發過程)


打發蛋白是做 Souffle Pancakes成功的關鍵 一定要打到影片中的狀態蛋白打發得太軟或太硬都會影響製成品 一定要小心打發另外 因為無添加泡打粉 pancakes 會在上碟後慢慢縮小所以要準備好上碟時會用到的工具及材料才開始打發蛋白啊 喜歡可以Subscribe 記住like同follow我facebook同instagram Hope you enjoy watching the recipe feel free to subscribe and like this video I am on facebook and instagram as well if you would like more updates Thanks for watching 梳乎厘班戟 舒芙蕾鬆餅 Japanese Souffle Pancakes份量 3塊 Makes 3 individual pancakes材料 Ingredients 蛋 2隻 2 Eggs牛奶 20亳升 Milk 20ml低筋麵粉 33克 Cake Flour 33g糖 22克 Sugar 22g菜油 1 茶匙 Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon水 1 1 2湯匙 Water 1 and ½ tablespoons配搭 Serve with 糖粉 Icing Sugar 糖漿 Syrup 牛油 黄油 Butter 舒芙蕾 日式鬆餅 soufflepancake



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