
by 主婦のミシン



縫い代が見えない折りマチ裏付きポーチの縫い方です ブログ主婦のミシン訂正 完成サイズ横12 ではなく20 から22 ぐらいです



DIY : Decorative Christmas tre...

  • by Søstrene Grene's DIY Videos 1641

For Anna, Christmas time means being creative. This time, she has created little adorable Christmas trees. In this video, you can ...

Regal-Häuschen | DIY einfach k...

  • by einfach kreativ 1301

Kleine Häuschen aus Holz gibt es zur Zeit überall zu kaufen. Martina Lammel zeigt, was Sie daraus alles machen können und stellt a...

Fruit Parfait Recipe - Japanes...

  • by JapaneseCooking101 1834

This video will show you how to make Fruit Parfait, a popular dessert you can find at many cafes and fancy fruit parlors in Japan....