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귀여움의 선을 넘어버린 포메라니안 앵두에요.
A very unusual friendship. Don't try this at home, kids! It took years for them to be comfortable around each other, but I still d...
They always say, "Once your start contouring, you can't stop"; "Once you wear false lashes, you can't NOT". Can't not...? Whatever...
Semifreddo With dried fruit and cream cheese ドライフルーツとクリームチーズのセミフレッド
Wildflowers are an easy beginners favorite when learning to paint using my One Stroke technique. Simple strokes incorporated to c...
This cat loves to play and massage his favorite pigs but he also loves all the other animals at the farm as well.
디디는 정말 사고뭉치 고양이예요. 문여는 방법은 어디서 배웠는지...
バターも卵も使わない、生クリームで作るスコーンです。 高温で焼くので外側かりっとでも中はしっとり~。 焼き立てはほんとに最高です! 砂糖も控えめなので、ホイップクリームも合いますし、しょっぱ系も合います。生ハムクリームチーズで食べても幸せです♡ 材料をすべてボ...
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