Shop With Me! | Nail Art Shopp...
Come nail art shopping with me at Nail Techniques in Kelowna! I show you all of the nail art, gel polishes, gel products, nail st...
ハロー あさぎーにょです みんなをワクワクさせられる SNSアーティストになりたい 音楽 ファッションなど挑戦をするよ オリジナル楽曲や洋服も制作中 へんてこポップ な私の素を 沢山に知ってもらいたい メイク スキンケア中や 寝る前の暇な時間に動画を見てね 毎日のワクワクタイムになれるとハッピー すったびチャンネル Instagram へんてこポップが詰まった絵日記って感じかな Twitter 心の声をたくさんつぶやいてく TikTok TikTok楽曲作って皆に踊ってもらってる 投げキッス運動など 私のSNS全てが集約された個人アプリ
Come nail art shopping with me at Nail Techniques in Kelowna! I show you all of the nail art, gel polishes, gel products, nail st...
Die Zeit der vielen frischen Sommerblumen ist vorbei, aber verzichten muss man nicht darauf, wir zeigen wie das geht!
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(1〜3歳♂)
Bini the Bunny can't sit still, which is why when he got ahold of Shai's new fidget spinners, there was no question that he was go...
Hola a todos! hoy realizaremos unas minis flores de hibiscos, flor cayena, flor hawaiana | Mini hibiscus paper flower. Ideales par...
***** Creamy Cheese Tart Recipe ***** I used biscuit base for the first time instead of making it from flour and butter. It was v...
Since I got soo many questions about what is the difference between watercolors, gouache and poster colors, I wanted to talk about...
Had such an amazing time shooting the cover of Rollacoaster Magazine with the team & Juicy Couture!
I can't believe my summer chrome collection is FINALLY here!!!!!!!!! Here is a tutorial featuring some of my new products AND I br...
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