Testing my Rabbits IQ | Puzzle...
We all know Bini the Bunny is smart and absolutely loves games. So Shai decided to take things to the next level, buying a special...
大家戴眼鏡會化粧嗎 常常聽到人說戴眼鏡就不用化粧了 但我完全不認為 今天跟大家分享一些近期愛用好物 還有常化的眼鏡妝容 戴眼鏡也可以化粧 還是會有明顯得差異 千萬別戴眼鏡就邋遢了 讓眼睛休息的同時也可以愛漂亮呀 使用產品 La Roche Posay 全護清爽防曬液UVA PRO潤色Bobbi Brown一抹完美遮瑕筆 Sand3INA透明蜜粉LSY林三益 502蜜粉刷Lunalsol晶巧光漾粉餅 OC 01LSY林三益 攜帶式蜜粉 粉餅刷IWE暗夜女神立體修容盤LSY林三益549暈染打底刷 KATE 3D造型眉彩餅 EX 7 Viseart Eye Shadow Palette 1 Neutral MattesSweets Sweets絲絨霧感持色眼影蜜01巧克棕NARS 水光漣漪6色頰彩盤MUJI攜帶型腮紅刷Dior癮誘超模巨星唇膏 649及667Kate CC色季唯我多機能唇膏 RD 3雪芙蘭 啵亮水潤護唇露 熱戀紅 E mail for business tweety123123123 gmail com
We all know Bini the Bunny is smart and absolutely loves games. So Shai decided to take things to the next level, buying a special...
材料・30cmx60cmぐらいの生地2枚 ・ミシンおじさんの一本ファスナー ・肩ベルト(ストラップ) ・今回は肩ベルトを簡単につけれるように黒のルーパをつけました。上の部分はファスナーをつけてもいいし、ホックをつけても…ご自由にしてください。 --...
Всем привет! Сегодня я буду делать вот такую красивую брошь - райскую, сказочную птичку. Буду вышивать бисером, стразами и канител...
芽芽是目前家裡唯一喜歡外出溜達的貓咪 那天還遇到社區一位小女孩跟她互動 真的超口愛
【妆品清单 Products Mentioned】 ORIBE 丰盈蓬松喷雾 OYSHO 发圈 维德勒护手霜 IT COSMETICS CC霜 FLORMAR 修容大饼 眼影盘:HUDA BEAUTY #NUDE 眼影盘:PAT MCGRATH #BRONZE...
hi loves here is a dope editorial monochromic makeup look, xo I hope you love it. Lol I got a little chatty in this video XO
I don't have any plans for Valentine's day but at least I have a bunch of dress options!
Today I'm testing the new Revamped version of one of my favorite Wet N Wild Foundations ... is it as good as the original? xo's ~ ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I talk about all my favorite beauty products from the past month! I hope you guys e...
Subtitles are available when Jacques speaks. Filmed in december 2019. STAY HOME! Did you notice the shoes on KAIA GERBER's feet at...
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