曦遊記travel with elva - Okinawa沖繩

by Elva Ni

曦遊記travel with elva - Okinawa沖繩


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Hey Babes!  It's finally Spring and I'm diving head first in the most fun hair trend of the season.  Have you seen it?  The hair s...

Kettle Cats Draw with Me

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Happy Friday everyone! Here is another background noise video for you to draw along to, have in the background or watch as you ple...

Giant Golden Oreo Birthday Cak...

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We heard there were really cute looking Birthday Cake Oreos in America, and when we looked them up we fell in love right away ♥ Si...

認真每一色都很實用!! FreshO2迪士尼公主系列試色:最...

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來!!#FreshO2 官網在這邊:https://fresho2.me/6kG2o  兩張迪士尼門票,直接把大家帶回家!!!!!!!!!!最近不能去迪士尼就自己在家開party😆 p.s. 目前官網有限量9折優惠,迪士尼經典商品同步8折歡慶🔥 #台灣彩妝 #...

Shrimp Egg Tendon Recipe (Temp...

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We are making Tendon, a rice bowl topped with Tempura. The prawn has absorbed the savory teriyaki-like sauce. Eating tendon will r...