
by きょんくま ペット



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業務用ネギカッター、早っ!Green onion cutti...

  • by おもしろ雑貨コレクター 993

◆この雑貨について◆ [コレクションNo.0497] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は業務用ネギカッターの紹介です。おもしろ雑貨を探していたら出会ってしまいました。ウサギのような脚が可愛くて、森の小動物のようなフォルムに一目惚れをしてし...

Gala Beaded Bracelet beadedbr...

  • by Milla’sBeading Channel 1560

🌷 Materials: 11/0 Seedbeads 6mm Pearls (2 different colors) 4mm Rondelle 3mm Rondelle 2mm Rondelle (Clasp) SuperDuo Beads Thread...

DIY : Make a wreath for the do...

  • by Søstrene Grene's DIY Videos 1345

A wreath can make a home welcoming and cosy, if you ask Anna. Have a look at the video and allow yourself to be inspired by how yo...

My Troubled Arrival to the US ...

  • by Sassy Masha Vlogs 670

This is the story of my first visit to the USA from Russia in 2005 through the "work and travel" program as I remember it. It was ...