What I Eat In A Day | Septembe...
Time for a new food diary! I'm going to show you everything I eat and drink in one day. I've been playing around with my editing s...
合作相關請洽 amy vs media com或聯絡電話 02 87927740 Amy
Time for a new food diary! I'm going to show you everything I eat and drink in one day. I've been playing around with my editing s...
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ASMR?!👂音を聴きたいレシピ BEST12
Hey hey! Today I'm showing you how to do this loose braided updo hairstyle. It's perfect for a formal or homecoming! Hope you love...
短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 久しぶりの短編集です。 ぽっちゃりさんなプリンですが、ダイエットは色々試しています。 ただ本当に変わりません(;;) 何かいいダイエット法があれば是非アドバイスください。
I really wanted to wear a set of 'normal' nails for a change BUT I wanted my ring finger as blingy as possible so I put a WHOLE lo...
花材在花市或者花店都買得到🌹 基本上每一天/間花材都不會一樣! 記得多問多比較 另外也不是每一種花都可以這樣做乾燥花喔 PS: 我這次花了一千元,最貴的應該是一大根棉花 大概200元 其他花材大部分一個款式一大把(裡面很多)都是100-200左右
HEY EVERYONE! We all know by now I'm a glitter obsessed queen, so when I saw the Ciaté London GLITTER FLIP liquid lipsticks... I W...
7 DIY rustic home decor ideas to create a charming home you've always dreamt of!
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