玫瑰石紋皂DIY - rose handmade soap with marble swirl by silicon mold - 手工皂

by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne

玫瑰石紋皂DIY - rose handmade soap with marble swirl by silicon mold - 手工皂


My daughter complained the golden decoration I made on the rose soap that I made last week badly Honestly I planed to make marble swirl but the soap batter was too traced to do anything After few days consideration I decide to do it again 上週的玫瑰填色皂添加的金粉被女兒嫌得要死 其實一開始就是想做石紋底 可惜皂液太稠了只好亂亂弄 想了幾天還是重來一鍋把原先的想法實現了吧 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com



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