the most lazy cut crease in th...
Hello hi, it's Mei! (pronounced like the month)
影片中妝容用到產品 妝前保養 Biotherm Clear essence奇蹟活源晶透露 125ml 2100 防曬 Lancome 超輕盈UV水凝露SPF 50 PA 30ML 1950nt 底妝 Loreal 特潤光感粉底液 N1 30ml 500nt 眉毛 Benefit好上手眉筆 4眉毛教學影片連結 眼影 NARS 單色眼影 粉霧 newyork 霧面梅紅棕色 880ntNARS 雙色眼影 kalahari亮褐梅色 銅金玫瑰色 1250nt 眼線 Maybelline 超激細抗暈眼線液 蜜糖棕 睫毛膏 1028 飛激長瞬翹防水睫毛膏 390nt 腮紅 other stories 刻字腮紅 schiffli sand 英國購入10鎊 唇彩 植村秀 狠霧持色染唇露 BG02 1000nt 推薦歌曲連結 今日穿搭上衣是朋友送我的耳環是TOPSHOP FAQ 我使用的相機 canon m50 我使用的影片剪輯軟體 final cut pro 我的膚質 混合肌兩頰偏乾 來關注更多的我吧 IG weartoeatiff FB weartoeatiff BUSINESS INQUIRIES tiffchen617 gmail com
Hello hi, it's Mei! (pronounced like the month)
Here's a tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin. The rabbit loves being tickled and then splooting. The rabbit does not sploot all the...
Sweethearts! 💖 I am back with another studio vlog about an average day of my life as an illustrator.
我的IG在這裡~ Instagram| 喜歡天的影片不要忘了按個讚!
don’t despair summer is over, because a new season means a new anti-haul! here are the things i won't buy this autumn and why. com...
Right before the whole coronavirus quarantine, I was able to sneak down to Philadelphia area and visit Terrain in Glen Mills, PA. ...
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