肉球の間の毛をカットされるねこ。-Marus paws fur is trimmed.-
今までは爪切りでカットしていましたが やりにくかったので 初めてバリカンを使ってみました I used the nail clippers for the cut of the fur However it was difficult to do Therefore I bought the fur clipper for the first time
Beaded Snowman Earrings, Penda...
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Planting Fall Crops and a Bunc...
🌿LINKS🌿 V-Necks - http://bit.ly/2wqDC9r Tank Tops - http://bit.ly/2wsO3sK
Coconut Tapioca Pudding
I used to make this coconut tapioca pudding when I worked with Gordon Ramsays team in Hollywood years ago and it has stuck with me...
So ya wanna know the secret eh? Let's hope I don't break my nails after this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My HOW TO ACTUALLY GROW YOUR NAILS video i...
How to: Tomato Egg | Chinese B...
►View written recipe 📝: https://futuredish.com/tomato-egg-stirfry-iconic-chinese-breakfast-item/ ►Buy Banchan Plate from Gochujar ...
Big Fat Greek Salad - Food Wis...
Learn how to make a Big Fat Greek Salad! I can’t believe no one thought of this brilliant play on words yet! Okay, a few people di...
Acrylic pour Painting - Swirl ...
Acrylic pour painting with the Swirl technique. A simple pouring technique where even beginners can achieve beautiful results.
またまた久々に空き缶で遊んでいただきました 缶の中に入って蓋を閉めてもらうのを待つのがかわいいんです💕 そして蓋を投げ飛ばす! でも蓋の形状が違うのでなかなか投げられない😅 パカパカ蓋が開いたり閉まったりして頑張ってるのがセサミストリートのクッキーモンスターみ...
ひのきとオハナにほっこりします^^ 舐め上手なひのきにウットリするオハナがかわいいです♬