
by sasakiasahi



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Cold Process Soap Making, Taiw...

  • by Tree Marie Soapworks 1143

Here is a look at how I make Taiwan Circling Swirl cold process soap. Stay tuned to see the difference of swirling with a flat sti...

FULL FACE OF Glossier | Whats ...

  • by KathleenLights 1485

Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I do a full face of makeup using Glossier products! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for wa...

Ikea Hacks and DIYs | Home Dec...

  • by Hermione Chantal 1198

Hey guys, here are some DIY Ikea hacks for your home! Use these inexpensive room decor ideas to upcycle your Ikea products into so...

DIY: Wedding EASY beaded choke...

  • by Anchik Martynova 1260

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