Ушки поросенка от Tatyana_Laf ...
Привет! В этом видео Tatyana_Laf покажет как сделать простой ободок с ушками поросенка к Новому 2019 году. Такой ободок - необходи...
ぜひ作ってみてくださいね 鶏南蛮そば2人分材料 そば 乾麺 200g鶏もも肉 ひと口大 200g長ねぎ 3cm長さに切る 1 2本サラダ油 小さじ1だし汁 600mlみりん 大さじ2しょうゆ 大さじ3万能ねぎ 適量作り方 1 鍋にサラダ油を引いて中火に熱し 鶏もも肉 長ねぎを加えて両面こんがりと焼く 2 みりん しょうゆ だし汁を加えて5分ほど煮込む 3 別の鍋に湯を沸かし そばを袋の表記時間通り茹でて流水で洗い しっかり水気を切る 4 器にそばを盛り 2 をかけ 万能ねぎをのせたら 完成 かき揚げそば2人分材料 そば 乾麺 200g かき揚げ玉ねぎ くし切り 100gにんじん 千切り 40g三つ葉 20g薄力粉 大さじ2サラダ油 適量 衣薄力粉 大さじ2片栗粉 大さじ1水 大さじ3 つゆだし汁 600mlみりん 大さじ2しょうゆ 大さじ3長ねぎ 小口切り 適量作り方 1 ボウルに玉ねぎ にんじん 三つ葉を加え 薄力粉大さじ2を全体にまぶす 2 別のボウルに衣の材料を全て加えてさっくりと混ぜ 1 に加えてサッと混ぜ合わせる 3 フライパンにサラダ油を1cmほど熱し 中火にかける 2 を4等分して円形に広げる 2 3分こんがりと焼いたら裏返し もう片面も色付いたら取り出す 4 つゆを作る 鍋にだし汁を入れて火にかけ 沸騰したらみりん しょうゆを加えてひと煮立ちさせる 5 別の鍋に湯を沸かし そばを袋の表記時間通り茹でて流水で洗い しっかり水気を切る 6 器にそばを盛り つゆをかける かき揚げ 長ねぎをのせたら 完成 English Recipe Chicken Nanban SobaServings 2INGREDIENTS200 grams uncooked soba noodlesSoup1 teaspoon vegetable oil200 grams chicken thighs roughly chopped½ green onion white part only roughly chopped plus green part thinly sliced for garnish2 tablespoons mirin3 tablespoons soy sauce600 milliliters dashi stockPREPARATIONCook the soba noodles in a large pot of boiling water according to the package instructions Drain and set aside Make the soup Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat Add the chicken and green onion and cook for about 5 minutes until browned Add the mirin soy sauce and dashi stock and bring to a boil Boil for 1 minute then remove from the heat Add the noodles to serving bowls Ladle in the broth and top with the chicken and green onion Garnish with thinly sliced green onion Enjoy Non Fried Kakiage SobaServings 2INGREDIENTS200 grams uncooked soba noodlesBatter2 tablespoons all purpose flour 1 tablespoon cornstarch3 tablespoons waterKakiage100 grams white onion thinly sliced40 grams carrot sliced into matchsticks20 grams Japanese parsley roughly chopped2 tablespoons all purpose flourVegetable oil for fryingSoup600 milliliters dashi stock2 tablespoons mirin3 tablespoons soy sauceThinly sliced green onions for garnishPREPARATIONCook the soba noodles in a large pot of boiling water according to the package instructions Drain and set aside Make the batter In a medium bowl combine the flour cornstarch and water and whisk to combine Make the kakiage Add the onion carrot and Japanese parsley to a shallow dish Sprinkle the flour over the vegetables and toss to coat Pour the batter over the vegetables and mix until well coated Heat the oil in a large pan until it reaches 350 F 180 C Spoon the kakiage into the hot oil in 2 bunches and fry flipping once for about 3 minutes until golden brown Transfer to a paper towel lined plate to drain Make the soup In a small pan over high heat combine the dashi stock mirin and soy sauce Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes then remove from the heat Add the noodles to serving bowls Ladle in the broth and top with the kakiage and thinly sliced green onion Enjoy
Привет! В этом видео Tatyana_Laf покажет как сделать простой ободок с ушками поросенка к Новому 2019 году. Такой ободок - необходи...
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