Winter Cake
This Winter Cake is an impressive dessert that everybody will love, perfect for winter holidays, a great twist to the classic reci...
蘿潔塔的廚房 干貝刈菜雞湯 無敵簡單 保證無苦味 一定要試試 喜歡我創作的料理影片嗎 不要忘了訂閱我的頻道喔 上次有粉絲跟我點菜 説過年要到了能分享刈菜雞嗎 想說這麼簡單 有什麼問題 二話不說隔天就衝去市場買買材料 跟市場的婆婆說 我要買刈菜 想做刈菜雞湯 婆婆 煮湯要買這種刈菜心才會好吃 塔塔 那婆婆知道怎麼煮才好吃嗎 婆婆 刈菜雞超簡單 但是刈菜一定要先汆燙才會翠綠 加個干貝 蛤蠣就超好吃的啦 因為塔塔常常在網路上被人嗆 這樣做不正確 那樣做不對 所以越是簡單的東西就越擔心 順口回了婆婆一句 塔塔 這樣煮正確嗎 婆婆回我 管什麼正不正確 好吃就對了 說的也是 又不是要做數學公式 好像解錯題會被老師打XDDD 從小的夢魘 好怕數學XD 這鍋刈菜雞湯 全家人誇讚 從來沒有吃過刈菜的女兒說 媽咪 這是什麼菜 好好吃 塔塔心裡暗笑 這是人人害怕苦的刈菜 現在竟然大家搶著吃 今天天氣依舊寒冷 再來買一顆刈菜心煮干貝刈菜雞湯 暖暖身子
This Winter Cake is an impressive dessert that everybody will love, perfect for winter holidays, a great twist to the classic reci...
Léa Pasqualini
BMO gets upset everytime i go to work, so today i took him with me and then went to the local dam to let him play for 4hours while...
Eva Bossenberger is 100 years old. Eva, who has enjoyed sewing since she was a child, makes dresses to pack in Operation Christmas...
Newborn bunnies may seem like the cutest and innocent creatures on earth, but very little is said about how dangerous they can pot...
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★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は… ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr が発売されました!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Cal...
💓💓 Hi everyone! Today i will tutorial about BUBBLE Nails. - Hope you love its 💓💓 💓💓 Thanks for watching! 💓💓 Follow style beauty ...
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