跟我一起邊聊天邊試用美系新品 Sephora Haul l Hello Catie

by Hello Catie

跟我一起邊聊天邊試用美系新品 Sephora Haul l Hello Catie


FENTY BEAUTYPro Filt r Hydrating Longwear FoundationANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLSLuminous FoundationURBAN DECAYBuild and Blend SpongeBENEFIT COSMETICSBoi ing Cakeless ConcealerNARSSmudge Proof Eyeshadow Base眼影打底筆LIGHTbenefit Goof Proof Eyebrow Pencil好上手眉筆6DIORDiorskin Mineral Nude Matte perfecting powder迪奧輕透光柔焦礦物蜜粉餅01MAYBELLINEInstant Age RewindEraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer黑眼圈擦擦筆150GUERLAIN 嬌蘭24K純金光超保濕持妝噴霧NARSOrgasm Mini SetKevyn AucoinThe Sculpting Contour PowderLIGHTMilke makeupFlex HighlighterLitARTIST COUTUREDiamond Glow PowderGold DiggerLancôme絕對完美鑽石霧光唇膏274BENEFIT COSMETICSCookie HighlighterMELT COSMETICSTwenty Seven Eyeshadow PaletteMarc JacobsO mega Shadow Gel Powder EyeshadowPerfect O 500KAI DELUXE無重力飛長睫毛膏 More Catie 商業邀稿For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結




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