弟のチャンネル:https://youtu.be/lJ6wxt_tX2c 弟のインスタ:https://www.instagram.com/hrmner/
앙금플라워 떡케이크 집에서떡만들기흑임자 지브라설기 떡케이크 만들기 black sesame steamed rice cake재료 ingredients cake size 15 7 분량입니다 습식쌀가루 5cups 500g Rice flour소금 5g salt흑임자가루 2T black sesame powder 물 5 7T water흑임자잼 흑임자가루 6큰술 설탕6큰술 물3큰술 Black sesame paste black sesame powder 6T sugar 6T add some water 3T and boil
弟のチャンネル:https://youtu.be/lJ6wxt_tX2c 弟のインスタ:https://www.instagram.com/hrmner/
For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I swatch the new Disney Villains Collection with Colourpop! I hope you enjoy! Thank...
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How about an amazing dessert compilation showing you some of my favorite sweets! There's something so satisfying about a dessert v...
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Suzie demonstrates 2 techniques to Correct a Strong Curved Nail in this detailed tutorial.
폭신하고 촉촉한 수플레 치즈케이크를 보틀에 구워봤어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...
Instagram: @hindash Sarah's Instagram: @iamsarahsofi
Cute baby animals bottle fed in this cute animal videos compilation. Humans bottle feeding newborn and rescued baby animals. Cute ...
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