녹차 크레이프 케이크 만들기 Green Tea Mill...
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
Subtitles function The video has subtitles in several languages Turning on subtitles will show you the instructions and commentary Please enjoy the video with subtitles You can switch the subtitles from the three dots on the upper right of a smartphone screen On PC you can switch from the settings on the lower right subtitles menu Request for Translation ContributionI would be very grateful if you can translate titles recipes in the video description and also subtitles from English into your language Ingredients Ganache 12 pcs100g 55 60 chocolate80g whipping cream Cake pops 12 pcs150g sponge cake30g white chocolate15g whipping cream 300g pâte à glacer Dipping Chocolate Decoration30g white chocolate30g ruby chocolateNuts dried fruitsDipping Chocolate SUBSCRIBEAfter subscribing to my channel if you click the bell mark you can receive new video notifications I would be grateful if I could get thumbs up SNSWe post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram I also have a preview of the next new video so please do follow it FacebookTwitter BookEmojoie Cuisine Recipe Book In Japanese emojoiecuisineThank you for translating the video
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
深夜の12時にお外へ遊びに行こうとするネコ吉です。 さすがに毎晩このようになる訳ではありませんが、日中ず~~っと寝ていたりすると、夜中にやたらとエネルギッシュになったり、今回のようにお外へ遊びに行こうとする事があります(^-^;
Visit My Blog : http://www.myfrenchienest.blogspot.com
①【飲みたいっ!!】涼しげクリームソーダネイル <手順> 1.形成したおゆまるにクリアジェルを塗り、グラスを作る。 2.クリアジェルで底部分を作り、グラスをのせる。 3.ガラスを中に入れる。 4.穴を開けたフタ部分をジェルで接着する。 5.クリアジェルを塗る。...
Quick how-to on making over easy fried eggs with butter (which makes everything better). I show a few techniques for that perfec...
flower wrapping techniques , diy flower, :: 제이투플라워 채널 후원(Sponsorship) https://toon.at/donate/jtwo ::: 오프라인 강의 일정은 블로그 참고! Blog h...
【上手に巻けるかな?】サクサクちび春巻き レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2EVzGED
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