培根&堅果營養南瓜沙拉/Kabocha Salad with...
◆MASA頻道訂閱↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr90FXGOO8nAE9B6FAUeTNA?sub_confirmation=1 ◆食譜↓ 南瓜是營養豐富的優秀食材 可以做很多種類的料理 這次介紹非常清爽的南瓜沙拉 加...
SephoraHaul MakeupHaul 影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned TarteShape Tape Contour Concealerlight mediumfair neutraljeffree star MAGIC STAR CONCEALERC9 C11C14蘭蔻 lancome絕對完美玫瑰氣墊粉餅PO110fenty beautyPRO FILT R Instant Retouch Setting Powderjeffree star MAGIC STAR SETTING POWDERTranslucentDiorBackstage Eye Palette迪奧專業後台眼影盤00316 BrandFilter Shot contour peachHourglassAmbient Strobe Lighting BlushMood Exposure16 BrandFilter Shot Shading almondCharlotte TilburyCharlotte Tilbury Glowgasm Face PaletteLightKATE凝色柔滑眼線膠筆BR1etude houseCurl Fix MascaraGiorgio Armani奢華絲絨訂製唇萃 雪霧版204SEPHORA COLLECTION LIPSTORIES09 Labyrinth City matte finish TATCHALUMINOUS DEWY SKIN MIST More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結
◆MASA頻道訂閱↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr90FXGOO8nAE9B6FAUeTNA?sub_confirmation=1 ◆食譜↓ 南瓜是營養豐富的優秀食材 可以做很多種類的料理 這次介紹非常清爽的南瓜沙拉 加...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I do a full face of Dollar Tree makeup! There are some hits and some definite misse...
コタローが赤ちゃんの時に買ったディーンアンドデルーカのミニマグカップ。 コタディンアンドハナデルカの手にちょうどいいサイズのカップです。 頭に乗せるもんじゃありません。
Salmon jerky is expensive in Vietnam. You have to do some research in order to find some good places selling salmon jerky in Vietn...
วันนี้เรามาทำกระเป๋าผ้าขาวม้าค่ะอันนี้คลิปสั้นนะ ถ้าอยากดูคลิปเต็มสองทุ่มนะ ติดต่อเพจ:รัชนี งานผ้า handmade
I partnered with Urban Decay to create a NAKED HONEY makeup look, do you like?! You can shop the collection here: http://bit.ly/2L...
This soap is made for the September Soap Challenge Club.
Happy #FoundationFriday - casual base makeup, re-testing products & chattin! If you're new ➫ hit the 🔔 & subscribe to be notified ...
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