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ぜひ作ってみてくださいね レインボーピザ5人前材料 生地黒砂糖 大さじ1ぬるま湯 240mlドライイースト 小さじ2ビーツピューレ 200gオリーブオイル 大さじ2塩 小さじ2強力粉 500g トッピングピザソース 400gモッツァレラチーズ 100gミニトマト 400gオレンジピーマン 角切り 200g黄ピーマン 角切り 200gほうれん草 ざく切り 40g焼いた紫芋 角切り 200g塩 少々コショウ 少々オレガノ 乾燥 小さじ1バジル 適量作り方 1 ボウルに半量のぬるま湯 ブラウンシュガーを加えて混ぜる ドライイーストを加えて混ぜずに8分ほど置く 2 ボウルにビーツピューレ オリーブオイル 塩 小麦粉を2カップ 1 を加えて混ぜ合わせる 3 残りのぬるま湯で 1 のボウルをすすぎながら 2 に加え 生地がまとまるまで捏ねる 4 台に打ち粉 分量外 を振って 3 を置き 弾力が出るまで5分ほど捏ねる 5 ボウルにオリーブオイルを大さじ1杯ほど塗り 4 を移して 回転させながら生地全体にオリーブオイルをコーティングする ラップをかけて室温で1時間ほど置き 2倍に膨らむまで発酵させる 6 オーブンを260 に予熱しておく 天板にオリーブオイルを大さじ1杯ほど塗り広げる 7 台に打ち粉を振って 5 の生地を置き 2等分にする 片方の生地はラップでしっかり包んで冷凍庫で2週間まで保存可能 めん棒で長方形になるように平らに伸ばす 8 生地の上にピザソースを塗り広げ モッツァレラチーズをまんべんなく散らす 9 ミニトマト オレンジピーマン 黄ピーマン ほうれん草 紫芋を縞模様になるようにトッピングする 10 塩 コショウ オレガノを振りかけ 260 のオーブンで7 10分ほど焼く 11 仕上げにバジルを散らして お好みの大きさに切り分けたら 完成 Rainbow Sheet Pan PizzaServings 5 6 INGREDIENTSDough for 2 pizzas 1 tablespoon brown sugar1 cup warm water2 teaspoons active dry yeast1 cup pureed beets about 4 5 small beets roasted and peeled 3 tablespoons olive oil divided2 teaspoons kosher salt4 5 cups all purpose flourToppings for 1 pizza 1½ tablespoons olive oil1½ cup pizza sauce1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese1 pint cherry tomatoes halved1 orange bell pepper diced1 yellow bell pepper diced1 cup fresh spinach chopped1 cup diced and roasted purple sweet potatoesSalt to tastePepper to taste1 teaspoon dried oreganoSliced fresh basil for servingPREPARATIONIn a small bowl combine half of the warm water and the brown sugar Add the active dry yeast and let foam without stirring for about 8 minutes In a large bowl combine the pureed beets 2 tablespoons of olive oil salt 2 cups of flour and the yeast mixture Rinse the yeast mixture bowl with the remaining ½ cup warm water to get all the yeast and pour into the large bowl Mix with your hands and gradually add 2 3 cups of flour until the dough comes together in a ball and is not moist to the touch Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes until it becomes smooth and bouncy and does not stick to the surface Add flour as needed Pour the remaining tablespoon of olive oil in a clean large bowl and rub around with your fingers Place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with the oil Cover with a kitchen towel or a plastic wrap and let rise for at least 1 hour at room temperature preferably warm The dough should double in size Preheat the oven to 500 F 260 C Grease a nonstick baking sheet with the olive oil Place the dough on a floured surface and divide in half Save one dough half for later It will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks in a bowl covered tightly with plastic wrap Using a rolling pin flatten the remaining ball of dough into a rectangular shape that will approximately fit on the baking sheet Transfer the dough to baking sheet and stretch as needed to cover the pan Leaving a 1 inch border all around the sides spread the pizza sauce over the dough and sprinkle with mozzarella Add strips of cherry tomatoes orange bell pepper yellow bell pepper spinach and roasted purple sweet potatoes Season with salt pepper and oregano Bake for 7 10 minutes until the veggies are tender and the crust is cooked Sprinkle with fresh basil then slice and serve Enjoy
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고양이 얼굴 모양의 간단한 아이스박스 쿠키를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡...
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